Rosso Emerald Crimson
Sono tutte le donne che ho dipinto, e se un giorno dipingerò uomini, sarò anche loro.

Fra sogno e realtà
Tecnica Mista su tavolaBiografia
Nata e cresciuta in Sicilia, Rosso si è trasferita definitivamente a Londra all’inizio del 2000. Ha conseguito un Master in Comunicazione Internazionale e Diritti Umani e ha lavorato nella pubblicità prima di passare alle arti visive. Nella sua breve ma intensa carriera artistica, ha vinto diversi premi d’arte, a partire dal 2016 “Emerald Winter Pride Award”, organizzato da Pride UK, dove ha vinto il Primo Premio con il suo autoritratto “Madame Moustache”, un’opera che sfida tradizionali nozioni binarie di genere. Questo è stato seguito a breve da un altro primo premio per l’Holly Bush “Emerging Woman Painter Prize”, che ha portato alla prima mostra personale di Rosso presso la galleria della sede centrale di CASSart a Islington (Londra). Nel 2019 Rosso si è aggiudicato il primo premio per la categoria ritratto/figurativo al “Jackson Open Painting Prize”. È stata selezionata per partecipare a “Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year” nel 2019 e di nuovo nel 2021 con i suoi due autoritratti “Lost Identity” (2019) e “Fragile” (2020). Nel 2021, il suo dipinto “La Roja, La Morena” è stato finalista del rinomato “Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize”, che ha aperto le porte a collaborazioni e mostre a livello internazionale con gallerie negli Stati Uniti (Sugarlift, Principle Gallery), Canada (James Baerd Gallery), Norvegia (Galleria Romfjord), Germania (Stoerpunkt).
Dalla primavera del 2022, Rosso è attiva nel web3, offrendo le sue opere d’arte come NFT. La sua arte è stata esposta a NFTLiverpool, esposta sui cartelloni pubblicitari di Times Square durante NFT_NYC e selezionata per essere sui biglietti per NFTLondon.
Rosso è apparso su Colossal, Create Mag, Evolved Mag, MyModernMet, Artists&Illustrator; The Artist’s Magazine, ecc. e il suo dipinto “Climate Rebel” (2019) era sulla copertina di Arena Magazine (Australia); il suo lavoro è stato venduto a rinomati collezionisti d’arte in tutto il mondo.
Competitions and Awards
2021 — Finalist in the “Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize” 2021 (traditional art)
2021 — Honorable mention “Blue Review Art Prize” 2021 (New York)
2021 — Shortlisted for “The Viking Cruise Art Prize 2021” (A&I magazine)
2020 — Contestant in “Sky Portrait Artist of The Year SERIES 7”, Sky Arts
2019 — WINNER of the Portrait/Figure Prize of the “Jackson Open Painting Prize 2019” (JOPP2019)
2019 — “The Artist’s Exhibition Award”, TALP OPEN 2019
2019 — “The Harbour Gallery Award”, TALP OPEN 2019
2019 — Contestant in “Sky Portrait Artist of The Year 2019”, Sky Arts
2018 — Shortlisted for “Artist of The Year 2018”, Mall Galleries (Artists and Illustrator)
2017 — WINNER of the “Holly Bush Emerging Woman Painter Prize 2017”
2016 — WINNER of the “Emerald Winter Pride Art Awards 2016”
2015 — Finalist at “ArtsDepot Open 2015”
PRESS & publications
Create Magazine
John Dalton Podcast (“Rosso Emerald Crimson Uncut”, an interview with John Dalton Dec.2021)
“Arena magazine”, cover for issue 161, Aug. 2019
The Artist’s Magazine
“Portraits for NHS Heroes”, Nov. 2020
“The Artist Magazine”, October issue, 2019
“Quotes – Inspirational quotations / Creative Responses”, Strawlitter Production, 2019
Anuario “Arte y Libertad XIII”, Artelibre, 2018
The Guide Artists, Interview of the month, Issue 11, Jan. 2018
New artists exhibition, Principle Gallery (US) – November 2022
WAGMI, CAP Gallery, Kuwait City (Kuwait) – November 2022
NFT London (displayed on the entry ticket)
Woman, James Baird Gallery, Canada – October 2022
Uncurated, Stoerpunkt, Munich, July/Aug 2022
NFTNYC 2022 – June 21 – 24th
Many Moons, Rober Lange Studio Gallery, US – May/June 2022
Sky Art Self-portrait Exhibition, Compton Verney Hall, UK – Feb-June 2022
The Blue Review Art Prize exhibition, Sugarlift gallery, (New York/ online on Etsy), Nov. 2021
Major Figures, Saatchiart, Oct/Dec. 2021
Summer exhibition, GALLERI RAMFJORD, Oslo (July 2021)
“The Viking Cruise Art Exhibition” (shortlist group exhibition), London
“The Artists’ Exhibition”, with “The Artists Magazine”, Patching Art Centre, Notthingam
“Women in Art”, Zebra One Gallery, London (March 2021)
“Group Show”, Zebra One Gallery, London (Feb. 2021)
Summer Exhibition, Green & Stone Gallery, Fulham, London (Aug. 2020)
The Artist Collection, Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire, October – November 2020
THE OTHER ART FAIR, CALM art collective x Connor Brothers, London, March 2020
Elevate 02, The Shard, London, December 2019
Art Fair East, Underdog Gallery, Norwich, November 2019
Utopia, BSMT relaunch, BSMT, London, October 2019
Summer Exhibition, Underdog Gallery, London, August 2019
The Artist Open Art Competition (TALP OPEN 2019), Patching Art Centre, Notthinghamshire, 2019
AFFORDABLE ART FAIR, Jackson Painting Prize Finalists, Hampstead Heath, May 2019
The Occult and Symbolism, Underdog Gallery, London, April 2019
Selected past exhibitions
Art Fair East, Underdog Gallery, Norwich (Dec 2018)
Rosso going Solo, The Art Space, Cass Art, Islington, London, (June 2018 – part of the Holly Bush Painter Prize 2017)
Artist of The Year 2018, Mall Galleries, London (Feb 2018)
AWE, Art Women and Evolution, The Bloosmbury, London (Feb 2018)
WIA women in art, Peggy Jay Gallery, Burgh House, Hampstead, London (2017)
Summer Show, Creative Debut, London (2017)
“The Londoner Compass”, The Strand Gallery, London (2017)
“WITP”, The Strand Gallery, London (2016)
“Tribe16”, Chrom Art, The Ugly Duck, London (2016)
“It’s Art Exhibition”, D-Contemporary, Mayfair, London (2016)
“Debased”, Cultivate collective, BSMT space, London (2016)
“The Human Figure: Myth and Storytelling”, The Gallery, Stoke Newington, London (2016)
“Summer Salon”, Islington Art Factory, London (2016)
“Emerald Life Winter Pride Art Awards”, Islington Art Factory, London (2016)
“Hand Maid”, S’A collective, Hoxton Arches Gallery, London(2016)
“Urban Art Experience”, Nude Tin Can Gallery, St Albans (2016)
“Homunculus”, Asylum, London (2016)
“ICADF 2015”, Islington Contemporary Art & Design Fair, London (2015)
“Painting & Sculpture”, Candid Art Gallery, London (2015)
“Portraits”, Espacio gallery, London (2015)
“Outsider Art Exhibition”, Candid Art Gallery, London (2015)
“FLUX”, Gray’s Art Gallery, London (2015)
“Seams”, Sweat’Art Collective, Hoxton Arches Gallery, London (2015)
“Royal Art in the World – Italian and Foreign Contemporary Art”, ROA Royal Opera Arcade, London (2015)
“NOT the Royal Academy”, Llewellyn Alexander Gallery, London (2014)
“Artsdepot Open 2014”, Artsdepot, London (2014)