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The new Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery headquarters is born

Pisa 1 July 2024

The new summer location of Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery is born in Pietrasanta (LU).

From July 1st to September 30th 2024, Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery opens its new summer location in collaboration with Open One of Pietrasanta. The gallery is located in the heart of the historic center, in via del Marzocco n°27.

The opening hours will be as follows: Tuesday/Sunday from 5.30pm/8.30pm – 9.30pm/midnight.

The inauguration will be held on July 6 at 6.30 pm.

Located at the foot of the Apuan Alps and crossed by the Via Francigena, Pietrasanta is known for being the historic capital of Versilia, and for its long tradition of artistic marble processing. It is said that Michelangelo himself came here to negotiate the purchase for the construction of the marble facing of the façade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, which was never completed. In this town, the mixture with art, the sense of beauty, the aesthetic research do not end in the presence of works of high artistic or architectural value, although present and of considerable prestige.

What really distinguishes Pietrasanta is the eccentric air that you breathe there. A laboratory of ideas and creativity resulting from the meeting of numerous artists, sculptors, art galleries, collectors and personalities from the art world who have made this place an open-air museum, as well as a favorite destination in which to move or spend time time waiting for the next inspiration.

For info:
Cell: +39 3476536819

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