Souls stripped without masks and trappings that scream their uniqueness, their human authenticity, denied by a world made of uniform and homologated plastic.

Shaped aluminum on black plexiglass

Fine Art Print on Dibond and Plexiglass
Fine Art print on led illuminated plexiglass
Les damoiselles
Fine Art print on dibondBiography
Allèn was born in Locri (RC) in 1976. Daughter of an established painter and sculptress, she showed a marked predisposition for drawing from an early age.
In 1996 he moved to Pisa, where he graduated in Science of Cultural Heritage.
In 2007 he attended a course in advertising graphics and collaborated with some fashion studios. It is in this period that he combines his passion for figurative drawing with the graphic tools he has acquired, giving life to a direct, clean and essential style that will become his distinctive feature.
In Allèn's works there is a constant search for his own identity, a basic restlessness typical of the times in which he lives. Allèn is the spokesperson for the dehumanized world that surrounds her and which makes it difficult for the self to be affirmed in the midst of an approved and increasingly fragile mass.
His stylized, faceless and handless women become a representative icon of his time.