Olga Prokop – Miśniakiewicz
In his work he addresses man, his corporeality, which demands fulfillment in pleasure and in the eternal celebration of his spirituality.
Olga Prokop-Miśniakiewicz was born in Warsaw and works in sculpture, painting and miniature art. Graduated in Graphics and Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Lódz, and from the Faculty of Architecture and Technology in Warsaw with a master's degree in Detroit. He organizes art events and teaches painting and drawing at his gallery, Magiel Sztuki. In his work he addresses man, his corporeity, which demands fulfillment in pleasure and in the eternal celebration of his spirituality. Lives and works in Warsaw.
Personal exhibitions
2023 Figura Humana, Brzeźno Łyńskie
2023 Figura Humana, Galeria Pod Okiem, ul. Grójecka 79, Warsaw
2022 Figures, Galeria 101 Projekt, ul. Warsaw
2021 Reaching ME, Magiel Sztuki Gallery, Warsaw
2019 Personifications, Magiel Sztuki Gallery, Warsaw
2019 Medieval miniature, Magiel Sztuki Gallery, Warsaw
2018 Miejska Neuroza, Warsztat Warszawski, Warszawa
2018 References Analogie Ogniwa, ACK UMCS Gallery, Lublin
2018 Exhibition of a painting, Open Kolonia, WCK, Warsaw
Collective exhibitions
2023 FACE2023, The Garrison Chapel, London, UK, Nostalgia sculpture (catalogue)
2023 Art Talent, Lucca, Italy.
2021 Natura naturans, ZPAMiG exhibition, Natural History Museum, Jelenia Góra
2020 Kiodygresy, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Galeria przy Amphitheatre, Ostróda (catalogue)
2020 Polish art in the time of the pandemic, DAP Gallery, Warsaw
2019 Robinson's Ship, Wroclaw City Gallery, Architecture Museum, Wroclaw
2018 Synergia, Galeria pod Okiem, instructors from Magazyn Sztuk, Warsaw
2018 ZPAMiG Exhibition, Siedlce Regional Museum, Siedlce
2018 Conversations, Civic Toy Museum, Karpacz
2017 Towards abstraction, Hutnik Cultural Centre, Wyszków
2017 Art Fresh Festival, Sheraton Hotel, Warsaw
2016 Diploma Exhibition, APS Gallery, Warsaw
2016 Art Fresh Festival, Sheraton Hotel, Warsaw (catalogue)
2015 Exhibition Szymczyk, Szałas, Prokop-Miśniakiewicz, Taras, MOK, Ząbki
2015 ZPAMiG Exhibition, PROM Kultury Saska Kępa, Warsaw
2015 Art Fresh Festival, Sheraton Hotel, Warsaw