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In conjunction with the PISA ART WEEK event, the Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery presents the collective exhibition Poetica Urbana. The inauguration on May 7 at 4:30 pm. Pisa, May 2022. “Poetica Urbana” is the new collective exhibition curated by Antonella Scarfone, owner and art director of the new exhibition space for contemporary art in Pisa. It is an exhibition that was born in ... Continua a leggere

The AS Art Gallery inaugurates "Forms of expression"

After the solo show dedicated to the Florentine sculptor Paolo Staccioli, the Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery reopens its doors with the new exhibition "Forme d'Espresso" Pisa, January 2022. "Forme d'Espresso" is the new exhibition curated by Antonella Scarfone, owner and art director of the new exhibition space for contemporary art in Pisa. It is an exhibition that sees some ... Continua a leggere

Paolo Staccioli inaugurates the exhibition "Harmonic pre-sentiments"

After the success at Palazzo Vecchio, Pisa also hosts the sculptures of the Florentine artist. The inauguration on October 23 at 4 pm at the Antonella Scarfone gallery Pisa, October 2021. Paolo Staccioli will be the protagonist of the solo exhibition entitled "Harmonic pre-sentiments" which will be inaugurated on October 23 at 4 pm in the new space for contemporary art Antonella Scarfone gallery, ... Continua a leggere

Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery opens its doors to the public.

Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery opens its doors to the public. The inauguration will take place on Sunday 2 May, from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm, in the presence of the authorities and with the participation of some representatives of cultural associations, art lovers and friends. The director and artist, Antonella Scarfone, will present her gallery to guests through the vernissage “Due… Continua a leggere

Pisa, Arno river sunset. Lungarno view and Santa Maria della Spi

Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery is born in the heart of Pisa

A new space for art within the city of Pisa was born on the banks of Lungarno Gambacorti within the walls of Palazzo Papanti (Kinski dal Borgo). A palace adorned with Renaissance pillars, arches and vaults. The Antonella Scarfone art gallery aims to promote art in a space where any artistic expression can be shared.